Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Iowa reinstates Ferentz's son, two other players - Big Ten - ESPN

Iowa reinstates Ferentz's son, two other players - Big Ten - ESPN: "Iowa head coach Kirk Ferentz has reinstated his son and two other players who were suspended in April following their arrest for public intoxication.

Hawkeyes center James Ferentz, tight end Zach Derby and fullback Tyler Christensen are all back on the team. The three players were cited by campus police April 6 and immediately suspended from the team. All three have since pleaded guilty to public intoxication.

"I'm just hoping we can all move on here," Kirk Ferentz told reporters Wednesday in Iowa City. "This has hardly been the crime of the century. For that to make front page news in a major publication, it's a great state we live in."

I totally understand Ferentz's point, but his quote might rub some people, even Iowa fans, the wrong way. Given the number of off-field incidents and arrests involving Hawkeyes players under Ferentz's watch the last two years, there are no minor situations. And, as Ferentz acknowledged during our talk in April, James Ferentz isn't like any other player on the team.

I wrote back in April that James Ferentz should be dismissed from the Hawkeyes after his second alcohol-related citation. In hindsight, that was a bit extreme. But he's on thin ice. Any more transgressions, no matter how minor, cannot and should not be tolerated.

Ferentz denied rumors that offensive lineman Julian Vandervelde had undergone surgery but said he wasn't sure whether Vandervelde would be available for the start of preseason camp."

I believe James deserves another chance. His first arrest was underage drinking. Who did that in College? Heck many have done it in High School these days! This last arrest was more severe as they were way over the legal alcohol limit. All three need to right their ships and stay out of trouble which means out of downtown IC!

As for Julian, I heard he had a knee injury that might not require any surgery. They also believe he will be back for Fall Camp either way. It sucks he will miss Summer workouts with Coach Doyle because all our players need that!!! Best of luck during your recovery Julian!

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